Seri Industrial’s subsidiary receives public funding in grants for Euro 417.046 million for the startup of a Gigafactory in Italy

Seri Industrial S.p.A. has announced that, on 08 March 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development – General Directorate for Business Incentives – has issued a concession decree in favour of the subsidiary FIB S.p.A. granting an amount equal to Euro 417,046,521.84 deriving from the IPCEI fund, up to the total eligible amounts defined on a funding gap basis.

The investment program for the construction of a Gigafactory will be carried out in Teverola (Caserta, Italy) in the building already available to FIB, in an area of approximately 265,000 sm (of which 82,000 sm covered).


SERI INDUSTRIAL S.p.A. · via Provinciale per Gioia, Centro Az. Quercete snc – 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) · P.I. 11243300156 REA CE 314821

C.F. 01008580993 · Capitale sociale Euro 106.456.682,03 i.v.